BIM Consultancy Services
Our BIM consulting services are parallel to the production services. However, under consulting agreements, BIM International deploys resources to the Clients’ facility and / or project in accordance with pre-set terms of the agreement between the client and BIM International.
Cost, Scheduling & Claim Management
Today’s BIM technologies are capable of integrating valuable tasks, such as cost control, by providing easy powerful tools for handling and managing original and changing cost data. The cost data of the physical design elements and any applied changes are automatically integrated by the software and instantly reflected in the generated cost schedules (such as BOQs). The above efficiency is highly beneficial for the day-to-day project management and the generation of periodic and accurate cost reports.
BIM technologies also provide similar capabilities to handling and managing scheduling data by allowing the user to link the physical design elements to actual and projected construction date. This feature allows the user to generate powerful visual simulations with ease. The services can be provided directly by the main BIM technology software (Revit) or by linking the Revit model to third party and more efficient software.
BIM International possesses highly qualified resources to assist the clients in addressing and integrating services such Cost Control, and Scheduling. Consequently, BIM International is capable of providing powerful Claim Management services where needed.
BIM Consultancy